Prototyping and Design

With collaboration with my peers we constructed and prototyped a triva game with custom laser-cut game pieces from acrylic. Intrigued with the mythology, we each individual choose a specific god mythology and fabricated individual pieces that could be brought together by a common connection system.

The game is to build off of ones own pieces by and drawing cards and answering trivia questions correctly. Each person starts by selecting one piece from the four differerent gods. Then one by one each player answer questions that pertains to that specific deity. If the person gets it right then they are given a coin and the piece that symblizes that deity. They are then obligated to connect the oncoming pieces together. The coins are extra points. If you get the quesiton wrong then any other player can steal that chance to win that deity piece. If a player draws a Satanic card, they can be rewarded with having extra coins or they may be forced to add a satanic piece to their collection. If you get three satanic pieces, you lose the game and the game is over. However, you can get rid of satanic pieces by making a deal with the devil by trading coins to get rid of one satanic piece from your individual construction. When the game ends, each piece that a player has connected counts as one point. The coins each player has are counted as one point. The player with the most points wins the game. The ability to win depends on how well the players know the the different god mythologies.

Designs and Connections


Modular Designs


Final Prototype and Game Ideation

Product Setup


Individual Designs


Individual Designs


TIndividual Designs


Individual Designs


Individual Designs


Individual Designs


Individual Designs


Modular Connections


Modular Connections


Modular Connections